Referential images of each visualization
The following items link to the files we used to conduct our experiment:
To try the visualizations used in the study, open a local server in that folder and then access it with localhost from your browser. For example, with Python, run python3 -m http.server and then open http://localhost:8000/.
Overview of the experiment described to the participants, with examples of the possible answers for each task.
The three visualizations with the description used to explain them to participants:
Folder Propagation patterns: 30 for main trails and 10 for training in JSON format. To see them in any of the visualizations, change the variable this_dataset with the name of the dataset and the variable this_loc with the name of the correspondent location. The name of the location is contained in the name of the data set as one of the options: biobio, ica, zacatecas.
Folder Locations data: The maps in GEOJSON for the visualizations. The folder also includes a PDF with a picture of the map, including the underlying network , and the metadata used for the propagation simulation.