import numpy as np import csv from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle import uuid from lib.gridlocation import GridLocation import networkx as nx import json import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point import random from itertools import cycle from random import sample from lib.decoder import Decoder #import unicode # folder_data = 'data/' folder_simulations = 'simulations/' class Location: def __init__(self, filename, area_name, equal_density = False, density=0.000000115, from_file=False, plot=True): # BASIC COMPONENTS = gpd.read_file(folder_data+filename, encoding='utf-8') = filename[:-8] + '-' + str(uuid.uuid4())[0:4] self.filename = filename self.area_name = area_name self.density = density # HABITANTS self.equal_density = equal_density self.subloc_habitants = {} self.habitants_subloc = {} self.habitants_position = {} self.habitants_weight = {} self.n_habitants = 0 self.setup_habitants() if not from_file: # NETWORK = None self.setup_default_network() # PROPAGATION RELATED #self.habitants_seed = {} self.seeds_id = None self.set_empty_seeds() #self.habitants_vaccinated = {} self.vaccinated_id = None self.set_empty_vaccinated() # Export self.export(plot) ############################### ### SETUP FUNCTIONS def setup_habitants(self): for subloc_id, row in population = self.n_habitants_subloc(row) self.subloc_habitants[subloc_id] = self.generate_habitants(subloc_id, row['geometry'], population) def n_habitants_subloc(self, row): if self.equal_density: # conce: 0.001019, los angeles: 0.000115 #density = 0.000000115 density = 0.008 population = int((row[self.area_name]*self.density)) #print('row[self.area_name] -> ', row[self.area_name]) #print('population -> ', population) else: population = int(row['POPULATION']/1000) return population def generate_habitants(self, subloc_index, polygon, size): min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = polygon.bounds habitants_subloc = [] while len(habitants_subloc) < size: random_point = Point([random.uniform(min_x, max_x), random.uniform(min_y, max_y)]) if (random_point.within(polygon)): x_y = (random_point.x, random_point.y) self.subloc_habitants[subloc_index] = self.n_habitants self.habitants_subloc[self.n_habitants] = subloc_index self.habitants_position[self.n_habitants] = x_y habitants_subloc.append(self.n_habitants) #self.habitants_seed[self.n_habitants] = False self.habitants_weight[self.n_habitants] = 0.5 self.n_habitants += 1 return habitants_subloc def setup_default_network(self): #p_dist = lambda r: r**(-1) #w = {i: random.expovariate(0.5) for i in range(self.n_habitants)} = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(self.n_habitants, -0.05, pos=self.habitants_position, p_dist=p_dist, weight=self.habitants_weight) = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(self.n_habitants, 350, pos=self.habitants_position) # ICA = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(self.n_habitants, 650, pos=self.habitants_position) # BIOBIO = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(self.n_habitants, 450, pos=self.habitants_position) # ZACATECAS = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(self.n_habitants, 650, pos=self.habitants_position) # TOLIMA = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(self.n_habitants, 70, pos=self.habitants_position) # RONDONIA for n in weight =[n]['weight'] self.habitants_weight[n] = weight #nx.set_node_attributes(, self.habitants_seed, 'seed') def link_sublocs(self, links): for (ori, des) in links: ratio = 0.8 n_links_ori = int(len(self.subloc_habitants[ori]) * ratio) n_links_des = int(len(self.subloc_habitants[des]) * ratio) n_links = min(n_links_ori, n_links_des) ori_sample = sample(self.subloc_habitants[ori], n_links) des_sample = sample(self.subloc_habitants[des], n_links) for idx, hab in enumerate(ori_sample):[idx], des_sample[idx]) ############################### ### PLOTING def plot(self, show = True, save_image = True, seeds = None): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 20))'POPULATION', color='#f7fbff', linewidth=1, edgecolor='#000000', figsize=(12, 12), ax=ax) cycol = cycle('bgrcmk') for index, row in color = [] positions = list(map(lambda x: self.habitants_position[x], self.subloc_habitants[index])) if(len(positions) != 0): x,y = zip(*positions) for h in self.subloc_habitants[index]: if[h]['seed'] == True: color.append('#e41a1c') else: color.append('#4daf4a') ax.scatter(x, y, s=15, marker='o', c=color) ax.annotate(s=index, xy=(row['centroid_x'], row['centroid_y']), horizontalalignment='center') for e in ori = self.habitants_position[e[0]] des = self.habitants_position[e[1]] ax.plot([ori[0], des[0]], [ori[1], des[1]], '-', c='gray', alpha=0.1) if save_image: filename = 'simulations/location_' + if seeds is not None: filename += '_seeds_' + seeds fig.savefig(filename + '.pdf') if show: ############################### ### EXPORT/IMPORT def export(self, plot): # ALL INFO with open(folder_simulations + 'location_' + + '_allinfo.json', 'w') as json_file: all_info = {} all_info['filename'] = self.filename all_info['area_name'] = self.area_name all_info['density'] = self.density all_info['equal_density'] = self.equal_density all_info['subloc_habitants'] = self.subloc_habitants all_info['habitants_subloc'] = self.habitants_subloc all_info['habitants_position'] = self.habitants_position all_info['habitants_weight'] = self.habitants_weight # TODO: REMOVE SEEDS AS PART OF COUNTRY, IT SHOULD ALWAYS START EMPTY #all_info['habitants_seed'] = self.habitants_seed all_info['n_habitants'] = self.n_habitants json.dump(all_info, json_file) # EDGES with open(folder_simulations + 'location_' + + '_edges.csv', mode='w') as file: writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerow(['n1', 'n2']) for e in writer.writerow([e[0], e[1]]) if plot: self.plot(show=False) @classmethod def from_identifier(cls, identifier): with open(folder_simulations + 'location_' + identifier + '_allinfo.json', 'r') as json_file: # TODO: NOT SURE IF THE DECODER IS USEFUL GIVEN TRANSFORMATION LATER data = json.load(json_file, cls=Decoder) location = cls(data['filename'], data['area_name'], data['equal_density'], data['density'], from_file=True, plot=False) = identifier location.subloc_habitants = {int(k):v for k,v in data['subloc_habitants'].items()} location.habitants_subloc = {int(k):v for k,v in data['habitants_subloc'].items()} location.habitants_position = {int(k):v for k,v in data['habitants_position'].items()} location.habitants_weight = {int(k):v for k,v in data['habitants_weight'].items()} location.n_habitants = data['n_habitants'] location.load_network_from_file(identifier, data) # Locations always start with no seeds location.set_empty_seeds() location.set_empty_vaccinated() return location def load_network_from_file(self, identifier, data): network = nx.Graph() network.add_nodes_from(range(0, self.n_habitants)) nx.set_node_attributes(network, self.habitants_weight, 'weight') nx.set_node_attributes(network, self.habitants_position, 'pos') #nx.set_node_attributes(network, self.habitants_seed, 'seed') with open(folder_simulations + 'location_' + identifier + '_edges.csv', mode='r') as file: reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',') header = next(reader) for row in reader: network.add_edge(int(row[0]), int(row[1])) = network ############################### ### PROPAGATION RELATED def create_seeds_config(self, loc_idxs, ratio, plot = True): seeds_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:4] with open(folder_simulations + 'location_' + + '_seeds_' + seeds_id + '.csv', 'w') as file: writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerow(['node_id']) for idx in loc_idxs: subloc_habitants = self.subloc_habitants[idx] subloc_n_habitants = len(subloc_habitants) sample_size = int(subloc_n_habitants*ratio) subloc_sample = sample(subloc_habitants,sample_size) for s in subloc_sample: #self.habitants_seed[s] = True[s]['seed'] = True writer.writerow([s]) if plot: self.plot(show=False, save_image=True, seeds=seeds_id) self.seeds_id = seeds_id def load_seeds_config(self, identifier): self.set_empty_seeds() self.seeds_id = identifier with open(folder_simulations + 'location_' + + '_seeds_' + identifier + '.csv', mode='r') as file: reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',') header = next(reader) for row in reader: node = int(row[0]) #self.habitants_seed[node] = True[node]['seed'] = True def set_empty_seeds(self): #print('set empty seed') self.seeds_id = None habitants_seed = {} for node in range(0, self.n_habitants): habitants_seed[node] = False[node]['seed'] = False nx.set_node_attributes(, habitants_seed, 'seed') def set_empty_vaccinated(self): #print('set empty vaccinated') self.vaccinated_id = None habitants_vaccinated = {} for node in range(0, self.n_habitants): habitants_vaccinated[node] = False[node]['vaccinated'] = False #vaccinated.append(False) nx.set_node_attributes(, habitants_vaccinated, 'vaccinated') def vaccinate(self, sublocs): self.set_empty_vaccinated() for sl in sublocs: for node in self.subloc_habitants[sl]: #self.habitants_vaccinated[node] = True[node]['vaccinated'] = True