Postal Address
ILDA - Inria
Université Paris Saclay - Bât. 660
91405 ORSAY Cedex, FRANCE
Physical Address
ILDA - Inria
Bât. 660, rue René Thom
Université Paris Saclay
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE
+33 1 69 15 76 55
How to reach us
There is a lot of construction work going on around us, as many buildings are getting off the ground for Université Paris-Saclay.
Access Map
We are located in Building 660 (Bâtiment 660), between rue René Thom and rue Raimond Castaing.
Reaching us from CDG and ORY airports
- From ORY (Orly) by bus: bus #5154 (formerly #91.10) takes you directly from Terminal West or South to our doorstep (stop "Moulon"). However, bus frequency varies dramatically throughout the day, so carefully check the timetable. Travel time once on the bus: approx. 1 hour.
- From ORY (Orly) by RER: from Terminal West or South, take Orlyval to RER B station "Antony", and then follow instructions below (either option 1 or option 2). Travel time once on Orlyval: approx. 1 hour and 10 minutes.
- From CDG (Charles de Gaulle) by RER: RER B starts at CDG airport. Follow instructions below: either option 1 (Massy) or option 2 (Le Guichet). Total travel time once on the RER: approx. 2 hours.
Access by Public Transport
There are two main ways to reach us by public transport from Paris:
- Take RER B, heading south, all the way to station Massy-Palaiseau (make sure you board a train that actually stops there).
- Exit the train station and go to the bus stop for #91.06. There is a lot of construction work going on here, and the 91.06 bus stop's precise location is subject to change. Online timetable. Alternatively you can take bus #5154 (formerly #91.10), but then you have to make sure it drives via Moulon, otherwise you will end up in the wrong place. Online timetable.
- Stay on the bus until you reach a stop called "Moulon". The bus ride takes approximately 20/25mn.
- Get out of the bus there. You are right in front of Building 660.
- Take RER B, heading south, all the way to station Le Guichet (4 stations farther on - again, make sure you board a train that actually stops there).
- Exit the train station and go to the stop for bus #9. Online timetable.
- Stay on the bus until you reach the same stop as above, called "Moulon". The bus ride takes approximately 10mn.
- Get out of the bus there. You are right in front of Building 660.
Access By Car
Directions on the map below, from Avenue des Sciences (formerly rue Noetzlin). Click on the image below for a hi-res version.